Friday, April 9, 2010

Random Facts

I have compiled a list of a few of my favorite random facts. There is an app on my phone that lets you go through them, and let's just say, I had to remove it because I was staying up late and not getting anything done. Here are my favorites:

1. There is a city called Rome on every continent.

2. Eagles mate in the air-gross.

3. The Deceleration of Independence was written on hemp paper.

4. A "jiffy" is actually 1/100th of a second.

5. The average person spends 2 years of their life talking on the phone.

6. Utopia is Greek for "no where".

7. Cricket's hear through their knees.

8. A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.

9. American car horns beep to the tune of "F".

10. The slogan on the N.H. licence plate reads, "Live Free or Die." Licence plates are manufactured by prisoners in a state prison in Concord.

11. On average, showers are 101 degrees.

12. 1 in 10 people are left handed.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

spenceeeeeee <3

i just got my first letter from spence today so i thought i would write about him! oh my goodness..what a great boy and an amazing example!
we met on the bus ride home from an away basketball game, it was USU vs. U of U. i thought he was hilarious right off the bat, and he ended up coming back to my apartment that night and we stayed up until 2 or 3 in the morning laughing and talking. i seriously remember peeing in my pants a little that night, i was laughing so hard.
all of my roomates fell in love with him, as did i. he was so kind, so funny, and is just one of those people that make you feel good about yourself, and make you feel important. he made every single one of my friends that he ever met feel like they were a million bucks, and seriously this kid hit it off with everyone! he even ended up on the phone with my ex-boyfriend one night..dont ask me how, and at the end of the conversation, was like, "alright, love you bro." and funny enough, kirt said, "love you man!" haha it just warmed my heart.
he became a regular at our apartment, and i started to do just about everything i could with him. we studied together, ate together, sledded alot, and man-this kid whipped me into shape. he wanted to race EVERYWHERE. i still dont really get that. all i know is my mile time went way down after being with him.
one catch about this guy. he had the mish call before he even met me. he was leaving december 30th, and was so excited. i wanted to be excited for him too, but had a hard time. this was the first guy i connected with since moving up to logan, and i was not OK with losing that so fast. regardless, we continued to spend time together.
now that he is gone, i am still sad to have lost such a good friend for the time being- but i realize even now more what a good example he was of being christlike. spencer held no grudges, saw everyone as children of god, and loved every person he ever laid eyes on. he treated everyone as they should be treated, as a divine child of God. he was so excited to give his life to serve the Lord. there was truly not one ounce of him that wanted to do anything else, or had any selfish reason to stay here and do things on his own time. although i wish there was the tiniest part of him that wanted to stay here and be with me-maybe deep deep down there is, but maybe im just flattering myself-i wouldnt have it any other way. he gave an example to me that i need, and i consider myself lucky to have solicited his attention for the time that i did. \
loveeeee you elder stevens!!!

mommy! mommy! mom!! mom!! melanie!! mommy!! mommy!

this will NOT be the last blog about my mother, though it is the first. i think i love my mother more than anyone on this entire planet. the feelings may not be returned, but im okay with that.

the older i get, and the more i am away from home, the more i realize how paramount she is, and has been i the making of my character, and everything that i know.

i am SO lucky to call her my best friend as well. we fight like sisters, but she and i get along so well. i can come to her with anything-and am comfortable calling her just to tell her that i got off work, or that i made my first chicken dinner by myself, or that i cried today, or to watch this great video on youtube. i find i am more and more like her everydat as well..and i want that. she is a loving mother, and a great wife. she cares about everyone around her more than she cares about herself.
the woman is completely mad, dont get me wrong, but oh my goodness. i feel like its choking me so much sometimes, because i love her so deeply. i realize that not everyone, in fact rarely, do people have this kind of a relationship with their mothers, so i make sure and thank Heavenly Father every day that we are able to share the closeness that we do. i hope we remain close for the rest of our lives, and im so glad that i get to spend etenity with her, as well as the rest of my family. romantic.

one step enough for me

life is hard. callings are hard, death is hard, unemployment is hard, relationships are hard, change is hard, there is just alot in life that is just not yielding to what we want. however...what in the world does complaining do? lamen and lemuel are probably the 2 biggest losers in all of the scriptures, well perhaps besides cane, and why? because they were whiners.
its virtually impossibly to never ever complain, or to feel sorry for yourself, but isn't is SUCH a wasted energy? pity parties are never necessary, and show such a lack of faith. we are never going to be able to see how it all works out, even what is going to happen tomorrow. we just need to have faith that it is all going to work out someday. maybe not tomorrow, or next week, or even in a few years, but will all come together.
some of my favorite words to a hymn are "keep thou my feet, i do not ask to see the distant scene, one step enough for me." if we just focus on doing the best that we can right now, the Lord will take care of the rest. dont complain. just try a little harder to do a little better each day. :)

Friday, October 23, 2009

little hands, big heart

Before I moved out to go to college, I was very unsettled and scared about it. One night I walked by Mia, my little sister's room, where she was already in bed. She called to me to come in, so I did.

"Kayla?" she said. "Are you excited to go to college?"

It was like she had pulled a string, releasing a string of hysterical sobs out of me. Mia simply held her arms up, and I laid against her chest and sobbed, soaking her pajama shirt. I cried while she lay there, silent, holding me. When I sat up, there were silent tears streaming down her tiny cheeks, and she smiled against the tears.

I thought my heart would explode in that moment, I was so filled with awe and love for this tiny little girl.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


sometimes it just floors me how people dont believe in God. well, it always floors me, but only when i think about it.

have you ever held a newborn baby? and touched their perfect little fingers and toes? and seen the glow in their perfect tiny faces? you can feel how perfect they can you not believe in God then? how can you believe that this glorious, flawless little being just happened by chance?

have you ever talked to someone and seen nothing but pure charity? seen their goodness-felt their love, radiating out from them to you? it's like, a physical thing. i feel like its smothering me-i cant breathe, but its a happy kind of not breathing. people are SO christlike and have so many divine attributes. i feel so undeserving of their attentions-but how can you believe that those characteristics, those attributes, just appeared there? they just showed up?

have you ever felt the direct power of forgiveness? done something wrong and then felt, like from the crown of your head to the bottom of your heels, that it has literally been washed from you? how can you explain that...its just all in your head?

have you ever taken a look at the colorado rockies? or the beaches in san diego? or the beautiful, bare, exposed land in the queen creek desert? how could you believe that all of those creations, all of those colors, just came together because of the laws of physics? because it just......happened that way?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

random things i hate

there are a few things in this world, and i sware they were just put on EARTH to bug me. yeesh.

1. puzzles-good heavens i could go on about this for HOURS. they are so stupid! when i start to do one, instead of feeling relaxed like you should feel when you do a puzzle, i just end up wanting to take each individual piece and shred it. and after shredding it, burn them. and then take the ashes, put them on the ground, and stomp on them until they are no longer visible! they are such a waste of time! bah.

2. corn-just the smell of corn makes me start to dry heave. each kernal is a yellow piece of the devil. one time, my mom made me eat my corn, so i puked it up like 5 minutes later. and...i had just eaten pink jell-o right before. she had to clean it up, and needless to say, she has not made me eat corn since. i usually will try new things and am not super picky, but corn, i will not eat.

3. jeans without back pockets-ok, i thought the point of pants is to help us make our backside look a little smaller, a little trimmer, a little better. having no back pockets is like sticking a magnifying glass up to your butt all day. plus it looks trashy. no back pockets=big butt/ugly.

4. the phrase "same-dif"-please please please please do not ever say this around me. one, it makes no sense. same and difference are opposites. you dont put them together. two, you sound like one of those fifth graders that wears skinny jeans and black nail polish. its the dumbest phrase-and im pretty sure you loose IQ points each time you say it.

5. stalker texters-if i dont text you back, its not because i didnt get it. well, once in a while it happens but most of the time i get your texts. im not texting back because: a) im busy. im doing something that MORE IMPORTANT than texting you. b) i cant find my phone. this happens often-i set it down and walk away alot. when i find it, ill get back to you. thanks c) i dont want to talk to you. im ending the conversation by not saying anything back. capiche? d) i just got trampled by a army of unicorns-and they kicked my phone out of reach while they tied me up in shackles made of tree vines.

ok, the last one hasn't happened yet-but its just a forewarning, in case it does.

ill get back to you if i want to and if i have the time. if i want to talk to you, ill text you. :)

ok i sounded like a brat there. i usually want to talk to everyone-but i dont want texting to be my LIFE. so stop double sending messages.

6. when people forget to turn their blinker off-jeez! i cant tell if you want to switch lanes, or if you think its just funny to freak everyone out. turn your blinker OFF once you switch lanes. if throws traffic off. ok maybe doesn't throw traffic off, but it irks me. turn it off. thank you.
7. unmade beds-this is just one of those things i was born disliking. a pet peeve. i missed the bus weekly in middle school because my bed had to be made. alot of times on saturdays, ill made my bed, then decide to go back to sleep. then make it again. i just LOVE the look of a neatly made bed. yeah yeah, your going to mess it up again. but thats the fun.

have a nice day